1Why must I thus forever bee confin’d
2Against the noble
Freedome of my Mind 3When as each hoarie Moth, and Gaudy Fly
4Within their Spheirs injoy their Liberty
5The Virgin Bee her
luscious Cell forsakes 6And on A Thousand Flowers pleasure Takes
7The glistring Beetle casts her Stag like Horns
8The next Year new her Stately Front adorns
9Shee Rowls her Unctious Embrio
East & West 10To call great Nature who hears her behest
11The Silk worm Feeds, then Works, then Shee involv’s
, 12Her Self, then Breeds, then Flies till Shee dissolv’s
13The Bassalisk
that kils by Fascination
14Is not Like mee tid’e to one Habitation
15Noe nor the Catablepe
whose poysonous eye 16Where ere Shee goes makes Grass and Flowers die
17Though these destroy yet may they freely Range
18Whils’t I am Shut up in a Countrey Grange
19My looks though Sad would make my freind
revive 20Why must I then bee buried thus alive
21The Amphisbena
that at both’s ends Kill 22Doth Freely Slide about where e’re Shee will
23The Dipsus
that doth make Men die with Quaffing 24And the Tarantula that Kils with Laughing
25With that Bold Worm which Kild the Egiptian Queen
26All Freely crauling ’bout the World are Seen
27Thus Inscects, Reptals
that Spontaneus breed
28From Such a Solitude as mine are Freed
29And I (oh my Sad heart) and onely I
30Must in this Sad confinement living Die
31The Swiftest Dolphin and the vastest Whale
32Are not immured as I in Walle or Pale
33But every Sort of Fish even as they please
34Doe Dive and Swim about the Spacious Seas
35Though the dull Oyster
from A Rock is torn 36Yet Shee with Sayls, and Wind and Tide is boarn
37Or’e all the Swelling Billons
at her Pleasure 38Untill the Cunning Crab on her takes Seasure
39The Flying Fish though Shee doth oft despair
40Yet shee commands the Seas and vaster Ayr
41And those Fair Birds which hover Still above
42Which are Soe Farr indulgent to their Love
43To let their Females lay upon their Back
44Noe Noble Freedome Surely they can lack
45Nor doe they Fear the terrables’t Tirants lower
46Should shut them in a Basteel or a Tower
47For they disdain to touch this dunghill earth
48Thus they injoy the Freedome of their Birth
49But I to Solitude am Still confind
50The cruelst Curb unto A Noble Mind
51The Halcion
that Calms the Rufling Seas 52Is not Restraind but Flyes where ere Shee please
53Nor doth the Swan on Thames her
Silver Breast 54Ask leave to Rise of from her Downey Nest
55The Rav’nous Ravens Deaff to their Young on’s cry
56May in the Spacious Ayr most Freely Fly
57But I aboue
my life my Children Love 58Yet I to comfort them cannot Remoue
59The Foolish Ostridg
doth her egs expose 60To Thousand dangers er’e they doe disclose
61Yet proudly Shee by wind and Wing is boarn
62The Swiftest Hors and Rider Shee doth Scorn
63But I for mine would willingly dissolve
64Yet Sad obscurity doth mee involve
65The mild and Tenderhearted Turtle Dove
66That was Soe constant to her onely Love
67Though Shee resolves to haue noe Second make
68Yet Shee her Flieght abuot the Ayr doth take
69But I that am more constant then this Dove
70Unto my First and last and onely Love
71Cannot from this Sad place (Ay mee) Remove.
72The Cuckow that doth put her egs to Nurs
73Then eats thear Foster Brothers
which is wors 74Yet this Curst Embleme of ingratitude
75Is not like mee inslavd to Solitude
76All volateeles
from the Eagle to the Dove 77Their Freedome freely both injoy and Love
78But I noe liberty expect to have
79Untill I find my Freedome in my Grave
80The Swiftest Su
, noe Liberty can Lack 81That bears her Spritely ofspring on her back
82The Cannibal
when Shee the Huntman hears 83Her pretty young lings in a Wallet
bears 84Thus from Pursuers they are all Secure
85But these Sad Shades doth mee Ay mee immure
86That I cannot assist mine in their Sorrow
87Which makes mee Sigh & weep both Eve and Morrow
88The Lyon, Tiger, Elaphant, and Bear:
89And Thousands more, doe noe confinement Fear.
90Thus Beasts, Birds, Fishes
, Equivocall Worm
& Fly 91Injoy more liberty (woes mee
) then I 92Wer’t for my God, King
, Countrey, or my Freind, 93My Love, my Children, twere a Noble End
94Or wer’t for Sin my guilty Head I wo’d hide
95And Patiently the Stroke of Death abide
96Or wer’t my veniall
Slip’s to expiate
97Then my Restraint would have a happie Date
98Or wert for debt I Soon could pay that Score
99But t’is, Oh my Sad Soul, I’le, Say noe more
100To God alone my Suffrings Il’e deplore.