
Pulter studies only began in the late twentieth century, when the manuscript containing her writing came to light at the University of Leeds Library as part of an institutional indexing of the manuscript verse held in the Brotherton Collection. Mark Robson’s involvement in this project brought the manuscript to light and led to his early publications on Pulter, including her biography in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

In the late 1990s, Elizabeth Clarke helped foster research on Pulter and added her manuscript to the Perdita Project, a crucial database of early modern women’s manuscript writing which was officially launched in 2005. Around the same time, Sarah C. E. Ross’s dissertation research developed into several articles on Pulter and editions of selections from her manuscript, followed more recently by substantial studies in Women, Poetry, and Politics in Seventeenth-Century Britain and an anthology, Women Poets of the Civil War (co-edited with Elizabeth Scott-Baumann). Academic work on Pulter is gathered below in the Scholarship section.

Pulter’s work has recently come to the attention of popular as well as scholarly writers, and has begun to be featured in podcasts, blogs, radio programs, and other public-facing, non-traditional academic genres and publications. These materials are assembled below in the category Popular Pulter.

Instructors are also incorporating Pulter’s work into their course outlines and assignments; examples and models are featured in below in the section on Teaching Materials.

Editions of selections from Pulter’s verse began to appear in printed anthologies as early as 2001, but an edition of her work as a whole did not appear in print until 2014, with Alice Eardley’s edition of her complete poetry and prose, Poems, Emblems, and The Unfortunate Florinda. For her 2008 dissertation, Eardley produced the first complete edition of the emblems. Eardley has also contributed substantially to the development of scholarship on Pulter in various articles as well as in the extensive introduction to her edition. Another edition of the complete verse, complemented by an in-depth introduction, may be found in Stefan Graham Christian’s 2012 dissertation. The University of Leeds has made the manuscript publicly accessible via high-resolution images. Selections and collections of Pulter’s work are featured below in the Editions category.

The following list of publications will be updated periodically. We seek to provide a complete inventory of items that directly and substantially respond to her work. We welcome suggestions for making the list as comprehensive as possible.



  • Bushnell, Rebecca, ed. [Selected Poems]. In The Marvels of the World: An Anthology of Nature Writing Before 1700. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.
  • Christian, Stefan Graham. “The Poems of Lady Hester Pulter (1605?–1678): An Annotated Edition.” PhD diss., University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2012. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (3545910).
  • Clarke, Elizabeth. “Hester Pulter’s ‘Poems Breathed Forth by the Nobel Hadassas’: Leeds University Library, Brotherton Collection, MS Lt q 32.” In Early Modern Women’s Manuscript Poetry, general eds. Jill Seal Millman and Gillian Wright, 111-27. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005.
  • Eardley, Alice. “An Edition of Lady Hester Pulter’s Book of ‘Emblemes’.” PhD diss., University of Warwick, 2008. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (U519295).
  • Eardley, Alice. Poems, Emblems, and The Unfortunate Florinda. By Hester Pulter. Toronto: Iter and Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2014.
  • Ross, Sarah. “Lady Hester Pulter, ‘The Unfortunate Florinda,’ (c. 1660).” In Reading Early Modern Women: An Anthology of Texts in Manuscript and Print, 1550–1700, edited by Helen Ostovich and Elizabeth Sauer, 302-4. New York: Routledge, 2003.
  • Ross, Sarah. “‘Then if Your Husbands Rant it High and Game’ (1640–1665).” In Reading Early Modern Women: An Anthology of Texts in Manuscript and Print, 1550–1700, edited by Helen Ostovich and Elizabeth Sauer, 389-91. New York: Routledge, 2003.
  • Ross, Sarah C. E. and Elizabeth Scott-Baumann, eds. “Hester Pulter.” Women Poets of the Civil War, 89-148. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2018.
  • Stevenson, Jane and Peter Davidson, eds. “Hester Pulter, née Lee.” In Early Modern Women Poets, 1520–1700: An Anthology, 187-94. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Teaching Materials